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Policy & Procedure

Joseph Parks collaborates with appropriate stakeholders and, when appropriate, the organization's legal counsel, to draft or revise and implement a variety of policies and procedures.  He has significant experience with TASB model policies used by nearly every Texas school district.   

Policy & Procedure Development

School districts, and other organizations, rely on properly developed policies and procedures to carry out day to day operations, provide guidance in extraordinary situations and to keep students and employee safe during emergencies.  Joseph Parks can assist your organization with the development and drafting of policies and procedures in a variety of areas.  His experience includes:


  • Revision of Interlocal Agreement and MOU between law enforcement agencies and school district to include a prompt, collaborative investigation and mitigation process when threats or significant safety concerns involving a campus are reported directly or distributed through social media, during school hours or after-hours 


  • Drafting MOU and related documents specifying duties of school district law enforcement and security personnel. 


  • Developing emergency procedures and a comprehensive Multi-Hazard Emergency Operations Plan 


  • Drafting and negotiation of MOU between numerous area law enforcement agencies and school district to address creation and scope of duties of contract peace officers serving in school district Campus Protection Officer program. 


  • Interim appeals process for persons ejected or refused entry to district facilities / criminal trespass procedures 


  • Local school board policy providing for metal detector use and safety screening of students attending DAEP campuses


  • Local school board policy requiring secondary students to wear an approved student identification card while in campus and district-provided transportation


  • Local school board policy providing for random metal detector searches at secondary campuses for student and staff safety


  • Local school board policy addressing requests for education records, video records and other information pursuant to FERPA and the Texas Public Information Act (Open Records)


  • Local school board policy and internal procedures for the investigation of employees suspected of being under the influence of a prohibited substance, including testing procedures and related matters


  • School district internal procedures and processes for conducting internal investigations into workplace misconduct, off duty criminal activity and other serious violations of school board policy


  • School district internal procedures and protocols for emergencies or threats occurring during a public school board meeting 


  • School district internal procedures for school bus traffic accidents and disturbances/violence on buses 


  • Police department administrative directive/SOP addressing emergency mental commitments


  • Police department administrative directive/SOP addressing use of force by officers 


  • Police department administrative directive/SOP addressing civil nuisance abatement and city nuisance abatement team 


  • Police department administrative directive/SOP concerning credentialing and annual firearms qualifications of honorably retired peace officers


  • Police department SOP Manual for Tactical Unit operations, including high risk arrest and/or search warrant service, hostage situations and narcotics buy-bust operations 


©2024 The Law Office of Joseph L. Parks, PLLC  |  Primary Office Location: Plano, Texas

Joseph L. Parks is responsible for the contents of this website

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